Policies and Procedures
All of our policies and procedures are reviewed regularly by both staff and committee members to ensure the safety and well-being of our children, staff and visitors.
A copy of all of these procedure is available in the pre-school. If you should have any questions relating to any of these policies, please feel free to discuss them with a member of staff.
Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation Policy
Health and Safety General Statement
Managing Children who are Sick or Infectious Policy
Administering Medication Policy
Recording and Reporting of Accidents and Incidents Policy
Smoking, E-cigarettes and Legal Highs Policy
Personal and Intimate Care Policy
Children’s Rights and Entitlements Policy
Role of the Keyperson and Settling in Policy
Achieving Positive Behaviour Policy
Supervision of Children on Outings and Visits Policy
Maintaining Children’s Safety and Security on Premises Policy
Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Policy
Working in Partnership with other Agencies
Early Years Foundation Stage, Learning and Development Policy
Animals in the Pre-School Policy
Safeguarding Children and Child Protection Policy
E-Safety and Acceptable Use Policy