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Tapestry Learning Journal: About

Tapestry Online Learning Journal

As a Pre-School we use Tapestry Online Learning Journals to support us in sharing your child's Playdays adventures and experiences with you. 


Tapestry Learning Journals are also linked to the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) Curriculum, so it is an excellent way of communicating your child's progress. 


As well as being able to see how your child is progressing and what your child is getting up to at Playdays, you are also able to comment on the posts made by the Pre-School and share any moments from your child's home life with us.


All parents will be provided with an online login; there are also logins available for other family members so that you can all share in the enjoyment!


In addition to the mobile app, you can also access the Tapestry login webpage here

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