For information on the sessions we offer please see the Pre-School Day page or for our Term dates and opening hours please see the Home page.
Arrival and Departure
Parents / carers remain responsible for their children up until the start of the session. We pay particular attention to the children’s safety on leaving at the end of the session. A member of staff is on duty to ensure that your child is collected and leaves safely. We will ask you to set a password, which must be used in the event that anyone else comes to collect your child. We would also ask that you let us know in advance. If we are in doubt we will not let children leave the pre-school until we have had confirmation from the child's parent / carer.
At the start and end of the day the Community Centre car park can get quite busy, particular when the centre is being used by other groups, so please do take care with your children when leaving the building.
Please let us know if your child is going to be absent from any of their booked sessions. In the case of illness, you can phone in the morning (01752 403312). If you know your child will be absent for any other reason, please let us know beforehand.